Kingston Chiropractic

Upholding the standard of care in Kingston for 30 years

Locally owned and operated, Kingston  Chiropractic has an emphasis on safe, gentle and effective chiropractic care treating patients like we would treat our own family.

We don’t want to waste our time or your money. We stay very busy and if we don’t think we can help you we will refer you to the appropriate specialty.

We do not offer contracts or offer free exams to perform a bait and switch, just good honest care.

Give us a call and welcome to the Family.




Your one stop shop to wellness after your traffic accident.

Rehabilitation and Pain Management Following Auto Accident Injuries

At Kingston Chiropractic we treat car accident injury including whiplash, back pain, neck pain, headaches and migraines. Our Doctors will help you with pain management and rehabilitation for your car accident injury. Chiropractic care combined with other treatment methods such as massage, traction therapy,physio-therapy, muscle stimulation, stretching, exercises, and low level laser therapy will assist in the healing process and get your body back to normal. We specialize in Disc injuries, whiplash, sprains and strains and accept insurance assignment. We strive to document objective findings and not just subjective.

We perform specialized radiographs to document ligament damage as well as refer for advanced imaging when needed.

Innovative Chiropractic Care for Whiplash, Neck Pain, Headaches and Migraines